Socrative! Knowing what your students know...

Have you ever wanted to poll your classroom right on the spot, or give them a quick pop quiz without having to pass out a paper version? Now you have Socrative! A way for teachers and students to interact during the class with computers, tablets, phones, and other devices. As a teacher, go here to create a Socrative account and be assigned a room. As a student, go here to login to the room number your teacher was assigned. Now your teacher can ask questions, give quizzes, get responses, and enable voting in class.

Socrative introduction video (new) from Socrative Inc. on Vimeo.

Moodle Tutorials!

Check out our huge collection of Moodle tutorials on Scribd!

Khan Academy: The Future

Example of a Khan Academy lesson
Have you ever wondered what the future of education looks like? Khan Academy is a fairly new resource for teachers and students that changes the idea of the lecture and class time. It flips the classroom so that students get to work through questions that they have during the class time and do their "homework" and then at home they listen to the lecture and do sample questions. Here is a presentation from the founder of Khan Academy at a TED conference.

Your Own Digital Paper

Check out the FPU COL Daily here! 

Aggregate information, pictures, videos, and tweets from around the web in one place using

New Helpful Powerpoint Tool!

You have probably seen a lot of these new presentation tools that are coming out like SlideRocket, Prezi, and SlideShare. These are all separate tools that take time to learn, but they add a whole world of new options and choices. When you are updating your Powerpoint presentations to be hip and fresh, you want new ways to deliver the material, but you just don't have the time to learn a whole new set of tools. How about trying out Snap? This is a tool that works through Powerpoint to give you all those extra, cool options right in the program that you are already working in.

Snap allows you to record audio/visual content right into your presentation, add clickable webpages, insert youtube videos, insert flash animation, add interactive quizzes and surveys, add open-able attachments for additional learning, and publish online and offline. This program does it all, by just adding another set of tools to your existing Powerpoint menu. (Right now they only offer a Windows version and it is a one-time fee of $99, check out a comparison)

Try it out here!

osTicket: Submitting a Request Ticket

Are you a teacher at Fresno Pacific? Are you having trouble with Moodle, an online tool, an FPU resource, or anything related to your online classes?


Check out Vocaroo if you want a way to record audio quickly and easily. You just have to click one button, then when you are done recording you can send it to a friend using email, post the HTML code in your website, or give anyone the link so they can access your recording. It's easy and fun! Visit Vocaroo.



Visit the new fpucol Postano! Which takes all our content from Twitter, Facebook, and Blogger and puts it all in one easy-to-access place so that you can view all our updates without the hassle of visiting multiple sites.


Tildee Tutorials on Scribd!

Dropbox: Tutorials

Dropbox is an application which is downloaded onto a computer, tablet, or mobile phone that allows users to share folders and files through a public "Dropbox" folder which they can all access and edit. Here are some useful tutorials to walk you through the basics of Dropbox.

Dropbox: Getting Started

Dropbox: More Features

Firefox: The Basics of Web-Browsing

Here are some useful tutorials about the web-browser Firefox.

Firefox: Set Homepage on Tildee

Firefox: Edit Pop-ups on Tildee

Firefox: Safe Browsing on Tildee

Firefox: Tab Preferences on Tildee

Note: These tutorials are all made using an iMac (10.6.8) with Firefox 5.0

Tutorials: Media Tools for Teachers

A List of Tutorials about Useful Media Tools for Teachers

Easy Bib                           

Final Cut Pro 7                                                    

Microsoft Word              





iTunes U                          

QR Codes                          



            Logging in/Signing Up  
Hashtags and How to  
            Using it in the Classroom  


Google Reader               

Google +                           

Google Docs                           

Google Advanced Search   

Create Quiz                           

Question Bank               

Editing Course Info/Image   

WYSIWYG Editor               


Insert Image                           

Logging in/Signing Up  

Finding Courses / Editing  
Creating Hyperlinks              

            Embedding Videos              

If you need hands-on assistance:

Directions to FPU COL

If you want more information about FPU COL visit our website at:

Updated: August 22nd, 2011 by Ben Weemes

Easy Bib Review

Easy Bib Review

A Review of QR Codes

QR Codes Review

Footnote Review

Footnote Review

Moodle: Through Legos

This is a SlideShare presentation that tries to explain the structure and uses of Moodle using the famous kid's toy: Legos.

Moodle: Upload

This post is focusing on the uploading of content by students into your course. The first tutorial deals with uploading a single file and the second one will be advanced uploading of files. These tutorials help the teacher understand how to create assignments for uploading files.

Upload a Single File

Advanced Uploading of Files

Moodle: Integrating Facebook and SlideRocket

It is important to be familiar with new technologies as a teacher and even more important to integrate them into your classroom when possible and useful. Here are some links to tutorials that will help you embed Facebook feeds and SlideRocket presentations into your Moodle courses.

Facebook Feed Tutorial

Create a SlideRocket Presentation Tutorial

Embed a SlideRocket Presentation Tutorial

Like us on Facebook!

Subscribe to The FPU COL Daily for news about FPU COL, moodle, distance learning, and more!

Moodle: Integrating Twitter

This is a tutorial that teaches you how to embed a Twitter feed into your Moodle course.

Then this tutorial teaches you about embedding Twitter follow and tweet buttons.

Follow @fpucol on Twitter!

Moodle: Creating Content

There are many types of content that can be created in Moodle. The two major types are Resources and Activities. In this post we are looking at two of the types of very simple resources that you can make in your module.

Compose a text page

Compose a web page

Moodle: More of the Basics

There is always more you can learn in Moodle and this week is no exception. We have gone through a few key areas of Moodle like Question Banks and Quizzes, Hyperlinks and Videos, and Login and Courses. Now we will take a step back and focus on the look and feel of your Moodle course.

This first tutorial deals with your Moodle shell, what it looks like and what some of the basic options are for you.

This second tutorial deals with editing your main course information and image, the big picture and title at the top of your Moodle course.

This last tutorial helps you understand the basics of your WYSIWYG Editor, which is what Moodle uses to make writing code into your page very simple and hopefully stress-free!


The FPU COL Weekly is here!

Moodle: Continuation

We continue our exploration into the workings of Moodle. Now we are moving on to quizzes and the questions that fill them. First off you have to write questions to fill your question bank which is explained in this tutorial.

Moodle: Question Bank

And then this tutorial walks you through the process of creating a quiz and then filling it with the questions that you just made in your question bank.

Moodle: Create Quiz

Scribd: How to

Scribd is a website dedicated to uploading and sharing written content including magazines, books, short stories, and articles. Scribd is one of the most popular document sharing websites and a great tool for teachers and students to use for free!

Here is a tutorial about creating an account with Scribd and then uploading your first document.
Scribd: Login and Upload Content

Here is a review of Scribd posted ironically on Scribd.
Scribd Review

Moodle: The Next Step

We have gone through "Moodle: The Beginning", now we can move on to something slightly more complicated. Here we have two more tutorials, these ones will take you through creating a hyperlink in Moodle to another website, like I did above with "Moodle: The Beginning". And the other one will teach you how to embed a video from Youtube into your Moodle course like this.
Here is the tutorial for creating a hyperlink.
Moodle: Creating a Hyperlink

And here is the tutorial for embedding a video into one of your courses.
Moodle: Embed a Video

Moodle: The Beginnings

Here at Fresno Pacific we use Moodle for all our online classes and try to keep our online teachers up-to-date with new tools and tricks for making their virtual classroom better. Here are two tutorials to help you get started with Moodle at Fresno Pacific University, if you don't know where to start.

This one takes you step by step through the Sign-up and Log-in process.
Moodle: Log-in

This tutorial walks you through finding your courses and then turning your editing capabilities on.
Moodle: Finding Courses and Editing

Twitter: Tutorials

Twitter is one of the most popular websites on the internet with over 1 billion Tweets (Twitter posts) per week. There are over 450,000 new accounts created everyday and that number continues to grow daily. With almost everyone using Twitter, how can teachers and professors find ways to engage a more tech-obsessed generation with this micro-blog tool? Here are three tutorials that help the beginner create an account, learn some Twitter language, and provide some options for implementing Twitter inside and outside the classroom.

How to Login/Signup
Twitter: How to Login or Signup

What are Hashtags and How to Create Them
Twitter: Hashtags and How to Create One

How to Use Twitter Inside and Outside School
Twitter: Using it in the Classroom

The video below is an example of one school using Twitter in the classroom to engage lage groups of students. It's called the "The Twitter Experiment".

Here is a review about Twitter written on Scribd that may help you understand a little bit better what Twitter is and how it stacks up.
Twitter Review